Sono Motors GmbH filed for protective shield proceeding – Sono Motors

May 15, 2023

Restructuring of Sono Motors GmbH in the upcoming protective shield proceeding with the support of Dentons' restructuring expertsBusiness operations will continue within the framework of the protective shield proceedingMUNICH, 15. May 2023 – On 15 May 2023, Sono Motors GmbH filed an application for a protective shield proceeding at the competent local court of Munich. The purpose of the protective shield proceeding is to successfully restructure companies in an organized process. The protective shield proceeding is one of the modern instruments of German restructuring law to enable a company’s restructuring. In this area, Sono Motors GmbH already has non-binding letters of intent and customer orders/contracts with a total of 25 partners.

The source of this news is from Sono